Figurine Light Painting

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Hello everyone, I know, I’ve been promising you a Miku Racing Review, it’s there, but still unfinished, for that I’m sorry. Now I have something I want to show you, for years I’ve been infatuated by light painting. It’s great and up until few weeks back I haven’t had the chance to learn it. If any of you want to learn about light painting, here’s the video

Probably the most direct video about figure light painting that I’ve seen and it is great, check it out.

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[Review] Revoltech #123 Hunter Swordsman (Rathalos Blademaster Armor)

Hello everyone, It’s me again Signum with the super, SUPER slow updates :). I know I haven’t take my blogging seriously, but trust me I was :).


Today we’re going to have a review about one of the best thing anyone have created, I might have been a little biased here. It is Revoltech (I hate this line of figure) #123, Hunter Swordsman or Rathalos Blademaster Armor to be exact, the box seriously didn’t do the figure any justice. It’s preposterous how can they did it, I mean Hunter armor looks nowhere near Rathalos Armor. I can’t imagine anything other than that Kaiyodo didn’t plan to release any other armor beside this one, I hope my prediction is off. Revoltech isn’t really my choice of figure line, I have pros and cons about them but I’ll explain it later on the review.

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Figma Review – Figma EX 003 Hatsune Miku Live Stage Version

Quite a long name for an entry eh?

Singing Diva

Her voice pitched high piercing the thick darkness of the night, her appearance struck those hikkikomori all over the world, Yes YOU *points*, her charm lies beyond a limitless veil of mysterious fetish (seriously, and idol with twin tails, she just need to be a tsundere to kill me). Ladiess and Gentlemen, I proudly present, your first truly Online Idol Diva, Hatsune Miku.

Let’s start with a brief introduction, who is Hatsune Miku, BUT I think we should dig a little deeper and start to know what Vocaloids are. I have to do this because some people insist on Vocaloid being an anime. Hello dumbass, it is NOT an anime so stop thinking that everything, that made in 2D, created in Japan, established by Japanese producers and shiz, is an EFFING ANIMUS OR EROGES. Penetrate that to YOUR ultimately thick black skull. /rant

Now then,  according to Vocaloid Wiki my reliable source, Vocaloid is a singing synthesizer application software developed by the Yamaha Corporation. Basically it’s a software for you to create your own song, sung by the mascot of each version of Vocaloid. Accidentally, vocaloid wasn’t that hyped before until one day, in nico nico douga, on the era of Vocaloid 2, a user published a Hatsune Miku video holding (and spinning) a leek singing the ever popular levan polka.

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